E - Conference Universitas Merdeka Malang, Seminar Nasional Kepariwisataan (SENORITA) #3 2022

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Tourism Potential Mapping In Kenderan Tourism Village Through Geographic Information System
Ida Bagus Gde Pranatayana

Last modified: 2022-12-24


Tourist village is one of the tourist destinations that are currently being discussed, especially the government has issued policies and decrees related to Tourism Villages, one of which is Kenderan Tourism Village, but in its implementation Kenderan Village has not been able to realize the program of the policy. Kenderan Tourism Village does not have a theme that is in accordance with the condition of the villageĀ  so that Kenderan Village still lacks optimizing the potential it has, the solution that can be given to anticipate the above problems is that it is necessary to identify the potentials possessed by Kenderan Tourism Village, these potentials need weighting to find out which objects are most interesting to visit by tourists and which are not so dominant to attract tourists to visit. This research aims to identify tourist village products using the Geographic Information System (GIS) approach and find out the perception of tourists towards the potential of tourists. Data collection techniques in this study are observation, interviews, documentation, and GPS. The ArcGis application will be used as a tool to analyze data and processing data from the results of field observations (primary and secondary surveys) will be tabulated and then given a score (scoring) based on their suitability for the elements of the destination (tourist attractions, tourism facilities, supporting facilities and tourism activities). The distribution of the potential level of tourism objects in the Kenderan Tourism Village is divided into three categories, namely: high, medium and low. In the high category, there are original tourist objects from the Kenderan Tourism Village in the form of natural tourism. The medium category is in the cultural tourism object where this tourism object was born because it was developed by the people of the Kenderan Tourism Village. In the low category, there are artificial tourism objects in the Kenderan Tourism Village.


Identification of Tourism Products, Geographic Information Systems, Kenderan Tourism Village

Full Text: PDF 142-151