E - Conference Universitas Merdeka Malang, Seminar Nasional Kepariwisataan (SENORITA) #3 2022

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Kinerja Layanan Hotel Bintang Empat Kota Bandung-Jawa Barat Di Era New Normal
Endang Dwi Amperawati, Rulli Krisnanda, Widji Astuti, Boge Triatmanto

Last modified: 2022-12-24


The hotel industry is very vulnerable to unexpected threats such as the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak because security and safety are fundamental issues, where tourists must feel protected from danger when using the services and products of the hotel industry in the new-normal period. This situation certainly affects the service performance of a hotel. This study aims to analyze of service performance at 4 Star Hotels in Bandung. The sample was selected through simple random sampling and 197 people were selected who stay at least 1 day 1 night. The analysis discriptive results show that service performance is formed from process quality, interaction quality, environment quality, and cost. The highest contribution is interaction quality, which is reflected in the friendly attitude of employees to guests. Followed by environment quality and process quality which is reflected by the service promptness.


Kinerja layanan, hotel, covid-19

Full Text: PDF 105-112