E - Conference Universitas Merdeka Malang, Seminar Nasional Kepariwisataan (SENORITA) #2 2021

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Malang Specialty Souvenirs Potential To Support Malang City As A Gastronomical City
Rina Rifqie Mariana

Last modified: 2021-10-20


This research aimed to search for the potential of Malang specialty souvenirs to support Malang City in becoming a creative gastronomical city with consideration of eight terms of the proposal. The main obstacle for the proposal is the lack of archive or documentation for Malang culinary potential and lack of access for tourists to find the potential excellence of Malang culinary in a comprehensive manner following the culinary subsector development policies and strategies and following the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and UNESCO. This research is descriptive research using primary and secondary data. The results showed that Malang specialties with the most potential and highest contribution to locally generated revenue were various fruit chips and tempeh chips. There were 55 chip makers in the Sanan area, excluding from other areas, and 7 fruit chips factories and wholesalers with 14 different variants, excluding home industries. Nineteen stores sold various specialties with fruit and tempeh chips as unrivaled Malang souvenirs.


potential souvenirs; Malang specialty; gastronomy

Full Text: PDF 122-132