E - Conference Universitas Merdeka Malang, Seminar Nasional Kepariwisataan (SENORITA) 2020

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Pengembangan Wisata Kota di Kawasan Kota Lama Surabaya (KKLS): Kombinasi Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) & Analitycal Hierachy Proses (AHP)
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Last modified: 2020-12-08


This research was conducted to analyze and select priority strategy for developing Kota Lama Tourism Area. The method used in this study were interpretive structural modeling (ISM) and analitycal hierarchy process (AHP). This research based on the evaluation by ten expert. The results show that improve tourism human resource and development cooperation with stakeholders were the priority strategy to development KLLS. Novelty in this research that increase quality of tourist attraction and tourism image will be achieved, it has been done if improve tourism human resource and development cooperation with stakeholder


Urban tourism; Surabaya; historical tourism; priority; ISM; AHP

Full Text: PDF 219-229