E - Conference Universitas Merdeka Malang, Seminar Nasional Kepariwisataan (SENORITA) 2020

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Pelestarian Jajanan Tradisional Sebagai Upaya Untuk Memperkuat Wisata Kuliner Kota Malang
Dewi Hermin Sutanto, Muhammad Danang Setioko, estikowati estikowati estikowati

Last modified: 2020-12-08


The development of tourism in Malang City continues to increase in a positive direction. Most of the tourists who come to visit or travel to Malang always look for various culinary in the center of Malang. One of the culinary wealth of Malang City is also seen from a variety of traditional snacks or commonly referred to as market snacks. Traditional snacks are now rarely interested, especially by young people. Traditional snacks are considered less modern and less contemporary. This is influenced by the form, name and manner of presentation that does not follow the changing times. Traditional snacks have the potential to strengthen culinary tourism in the city of Malang. Therefore, it is necessary to more intensively campaign and preserve the diversity of traditional snacks typical of the City of Malang. Through preservation of traditional snacks is expected to attract tourists to visit the city of Malang to enjoy the original culinary of Malang.


Traditional snacks; Malang City; Culinary Tourism

Full Text: PDF 142-146