E - Conference Universitas Merdeka Malang, Seminar Nasional Kepariwisataan (SENORITA) 2020

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Strengthening Brand Of The Water Tourism Destination Through The Digital Influencer Of Augmented Reality
Lian Agustina Setiyaningsih, Dodot Sapto Adi, Muhammad Hanif Fahmi

Last modified: 2020-12-08


Social distancing be solve using digital influencers augmented reality, even in dealing with the decline of industrial interest in new normalcy era. This is challenge through the development of rolling water source tourism in Malang Raya. Answered these challenges, this study discusses methods of strengthening air source tourism brands. This research uses phenomenology qualitative method. The purpose this research is mapping phenomenon of the decline of the tourist destination brand in public awareness through use information technology used and the creativity innovation used. The results of this study are (1) normal conditions making the water tourism industry require alternative strategies for the needs of the community in conducting tourism. (2) Segmentation through determining the community on the media and relying on technology-based on media. (3) Augmented reality-based interactive media has become a distorting solution for tourist managers and visitors. (4) Positioning augmented reality engineering as a generating brand for rolling water tourism destinations.Social distancing be solve using digital influencers augmented reality, even in dealing with the decline of industrial interest in new normalcy era. This is challenge through the development of rolling water source tourism in Malang Raya. Answered these challenges, this study discusses methods of strengthening air source tourism brands. This research uses phenomenology qualitative method. The purpose this research is mapping phenomenon of the decline of the tourist destination brand in public awareness through use information technology used and the creativity innovation used. The results of this study are (1) normal conditions making the water tourism industry require alternative strategies for the needs of the community in conducting tourism. (2) Segmentation through determining the community on the media and relying on technology-based on media. (3) Augmented reality-based interactive media has become a distorting solution for tourist managers and visitors. (4) Positioning augmented reality engineering as a generating brand for rolling water tourism destinations. Keywords: destination brands, water tourism, augmented reality


destination brands, water tourism, augmented reality

Full Text: PDF 178-188