Last modified: 2020-12-08
The Site of area Masjid Kuno Bayan Beleq was created as area of cultural tourism based on local government regulation. This research use descriptive method of qualitative approach wth two problem formulation, that ia 1) how is the development of tourist attraction in this sites area ?. 2) how is the implementation of Community Based Tourismn in the management of area of Masjid Kuno Bayan Beleq ?. The data resource of this research were in the forms of primary and secondary data with a data collection that was done through observation, interview,and documentation). The data analysis uses stages which are data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.The result of this research shows The tourist attraction requirement such as something to see, something to do, and something to buy in the area of Masjid Kuno Bayan Beleq has fulfilled although there are a number of things that can be renewed such as the development of attractions and commodification that are already running. Whereas the concept of developing the site area has implemented the principle of Community Based Tourism (CBT) both from community participation and the five implementation of the CBT dimension such as economic, social, culture, environment and politic are quite well. Even though there are a few obstacles, it has been overcome well.