Last modified: 2020-12-08
This research aims to improve the developing ecotourism culture potentials through the empowerment of resident of candirejo tourism village of Borobudur, Central Java. Developing ecotourism culture potentials through the empowerment of resident of candirejo tourism village is expected to be able to have a positive impact on the community. This type of research is analytical descriptive through a qualitative approach.qualitative approach method is a way to get data and collecting data through candirejo villagers.Sources of data in this study were obtained from interviews with informants. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling, Data collection techniques used in this study were by interview, observation, and literature.Based on the results of the study it can be seen that the tourism potentials in Candirejo Tourism Village are natural potentials such Watu Kendil, Tempuran, Tuk Banyu Asin, and Sunrise Menoreh. The existing potential is then packaged and managed into a form of community empowerment through the Village Cooperative.
Keywords: village tourism empowerment, development ecotourism, potential, culture