
  1. Human Security and Local, National and Global Political Dynamics with sub-themes of issues on leadership selection and general elections, leadership and power in public organizations, strength and weaknesses of democratic practices, Managerial Effectiveness of government performance, Government Repression, community empowerment and civil society and NGO movements, the pros and cons of public policies, business and politics, governance-based development collaborations, and others.
  2. Human Security and Economic & Trade Development, with sub-themes including: poverty issues, equitable development, income inequality, the subsistence of small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), subsistence of farming, growth of entrepreneurship, macro and micro economic policies, financial inclusion and bankings, Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and so forth.
  3. Human Security and Food Security Policy, with sub-themes including world hunger, food security & Basic needs, drought and land degradation, food diversification, and others.
  4. Human Security and Community Health Development with sub-themes of malnutrition, accessibility of health care service, social justice in health care, maternal mortality, Child and infant mortality, health services management, and so forth
  5. Human Security and Socio-Cultural Development with sub-themes of horizontal conflicts, social harmony, violence, corruption, ethnic unity, Transnational ethnic ties, crime, the values of arts and culture, social inclusion and solidarity, local wisdom and its contribution to address society 5.0 era and so forth.
  6. Human Security and Strengthening national ideology with sub-themes of issues of radicalism, terrorism, ideological exclusivity, the impact of global ideology, implications of religion-based ideology, revitalization of national ideology, and so on.
  7. Human Security and Evolution of information and communication technology with the following sub-themes: cultural model of public relations, the impact of industry 4.0, communication and education for civilization, communication in conflict resolution, unemployment and so forth.
  8. Human Security and Defense and Security Systems with sub-themes of national disintegration, ideological threats, military support capacity, threats of illegal firearms, patriotism, total people’s defense and so on.
  9. Human Security in the perspective of religions with the sub-themes of religious views and visions on humanity, religious bias, the pros and cons of faith-based regulations, fighting in the name of religion, interfaith organization, interfaith/intra-faith social solidarity, and so forth.
  10. Human Security and Environment with sub-themes of water crisis, exploitation of natural resources, energy resources and fuel oil, economic development policies versus environmental conversation, social safeguards, population explosion, impacts of global warming, environmental movement and so forth.