E - Conference Universitas Merdeka Malang, Seminar Nasional Kepariwisataan (SENORITA) #5 2024

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Sajian Hidangan Jaje Pangan Pada Ritual Maulid Adat Masyarakat Desa Salut Kecamatan Kayangan Kabupaten Lombok Utara
jujuk ferdianto

Last modified: 2024-08-30



This study examines the tradition of serving food jaje dishes to the people of Salut Village, Kayangan District, North Lombok Regency, in a series of Traditional Birthday events. Jaje Pangan is a series of traditional cakes served as an integral part of the Prophet Muhammad's Birthday celebration, which is carried out with full solemnity and the spirit of mutual cooperation. This study uses a qualitative method with an ethno-gastronomical approach, which involves participatory observation and in-depth interviews with community leaders, event organizers, and villagers. The results of the study show that food jaje is not just a dish, but also a symbol of togetherness, cultural identity, and respect for the ancestral traditions of the people of Salut Village, Kayangan District. Jaje food is made of glutinous rice flour, rice flour, coconut milk and brown sugar, and is rectangular in shape arranged in ancak and served to guests or traditional leaders and community leaders, in the processing process it is also carried out by several people who have been selected or commonly called "Ran" (local chefs) reflecting the ritual values in the manufacturing process. The presentation of Jaje Pangan also functions as an inter-generational educational medium, where cultural values and traditions are inherited to the younger generation. This study emphasizes the importance of preserving culinary traditions in strengthening social bonds and maintaining the sustainability of local cultural heritage

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