E - Conference Universitas Merdeka Malang, Seminar Nasional Kepariwisataan (SENORITA) #5 2024

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Peran Situs-situs Religi Bersejarah di Kota Malang: Mengangkat Potensi Kota Malang sebagai Destinasi Wisata Religi Jawa Timur
Mochammad Musafa'ul Anam, Aurel Caesario Megafianky, Dinda Triya Fajriyah

Last modified: 2024-08-30


Malang city has been known as one of the most favorite tourist destinations in Indonesia for several years. Thus, in order to keep its’ achievement, this study tries to find out a new iconic strategy for promoting Malang as religion tourism destination. The study is a descriptive qualitative study which focused on direct observation and literature review in order to strengthen the findings. The result of this study shows that Malang is potentially able to be promoted as religion tourism destination. However, there are several points which should be prepared, done and developed such as: 1) conducting events which can promote Malang as religion tourism destination; 2) infrastructure and integrated-transportation developments; 3) building a spacious parking area; 4) continuous socialization to community; 5) continuous promotion through social medias; 6) Establishing an agency which will help Malang to be developed as religion tourism destination

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