E - Conference Universitas Merdeka Malang, Seminar Nasional Kepariwisataan (SENORITA) #5 2024

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Kampung Wisata Jodipan Di Era Digital
Rika Olivia Olivia

Last modified: 2024-08-30


Kampung Wisata Jodipan was one of digital destination tourism wich the first tourism village in middle of Malang City. The destination tourism located in Jodipan Village, Blimbing Sub-district, Malang City and has a population 13,368 with 542 poor families. Before popularity, Kampung Jodipan was a slum area with a bad habit of residents throwing trash in the river. This study aimed to explain the Role of digital tourism into the development of Kampung Wisata Jodipan. The researcher used descriptive qualitative methode with case study approach. The purpose is to describe systematically about the focus of the study. The result of the study showed that (1) there were good implementation of digital tourism into Kampung Wisata Jodipan and had a positive impact. The four dimensions of utilization of digital tekhnology had applied on before, during, and after tourism activity. The Implementation of digital tourism were the way of fulfil the demand of tourism tren in Indonesia. (2) Various creations by local society were limited and need more efforts for the sake of development success. (3) There were some obstacles faced, including the physical location, limited creativity by human resourches, and a few role by city government. Keyword : Digital Tourism

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