Last modified: 2022-01-09
Tourism is one of the industries that is important in the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDGs world level plan with mission such as end poverty, reduce inequality, and protect the environment. SDGs contains 17 objectives and 169 targets that are expected to be achieved in the year 2030 ( Way to achieve the SDGs goals of the tourism industry is to carry out alternative tourism that still considers sustainable aspects such as Community Based Tourism (CBT). Previous research by Pasanchay & Schott (2021) using case study to give an insight about various kind of impact which affects the homestay management. This seen through livelihood resources based on Sustainable Livelihood Framework (SLF) and its relations with SDGs. Results of this research than be the basis of identification of livelihood resources and be compared with best practice in Indonesia that is Nglanggeran Tourist Village, D.I. Yogyakarta. The outcomes are Nglanggeran tourist village has fulfilled several SDGs points such as SDGs 1 no poverty, SDGs 3 good health and wellbeing, SDGs 4 quality education, SDGs 5 gender equality, and SDGs 11 sustainable cities and communities by accommodating through homestays and using CBT as an approach to develop local community.