Last modified: 2021-01-06
Innovation is a concept that was chosen to fit in the current development, it condition affected by the dynamics of society. It also an attempt to improve the old systematic structure, one of the case is on population administration service. Act No. 24 of 2013 about the change over Act No. 23 of 2006 about Population Administration replace service paradigm’s to be more responsive and close to people. This point was the reason why Population and Civil Registration Pasuruan set an innovation program Tamat Terbenam Bumi, consist of Online Kelurahan (OKE), Salam Layanan 20 Menit, and Akta Kematian Keliling (AKI), these three services are trying to increase the number of death certificate publication between a big difference with the number of death.
From this understanding the writer tried to capture how an innovation can be arise in public organization through innovation cycle theory. In order to change the condition of death certificate publication. This study using qualitative method with descriptive approach. The locations and sites in this study were in Population and Civil Registration of Pasuruan district. The data collected from primary data sources in interviews, observation, and documentation. The method of data analysis used by writer is research desaign data analysis model by John Creswell.
The research of results show that those three services in Tamat Terbenam Bumi Program increase death certificate publication of Pasuruan up to 93,35% at the end of 2018. There are some internal and external constraints need to be evaluated, so the organization need to consider about cooperating with another stakeholder such as private sector to develop Public Private Partnership (PPP) concept for death certificate registration in Pasuruan.
Keywords: Innovation, Population Administration, Death Certificate