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Strategy to Build Village in Wih Pesam Sub-District, Bener Meriah Regency
Last modified: 2021-01-06
The purpose of this study was to analyze and describe the processes and obstaclesin implementing Musrenbang in Wih Pesam sub-district, Bener Meriah Regency.The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive research method,based on the result of data analysis using the method introduced by Miles andHuberman (1994: 1-3), which includes the stages of data reduction, datapresentation and drawing conclusions and data verification. The results showedthat the follow-up process of the village development plan deliberation in WihPesam Subdistrict, Bener Meriah Regency did not involve the community but onlycertain parties, the skills of the facilitators in guiding the discussion were still inthe poor category in implementing the musrenbang. In addition, the time given todiscussing development priorities is still in the poor category, so that manyunimportant developments have turned into priorities. The obstacles faced includethe slow disbursement of village funds and the problem of land acquisition so thatdevelopment activities are constrained, this is also triggered by poorcommunication between village officials and the community. Therefore, it isrecommended that the village government openly socialize the developmentactivity program to create transparency and attract community involvement inaspiring, executing and supervising various village development policies, as wellas training and developing understanding and skills according to the main dutiesand functions of village officials.
Keywords: Strategy, Build, Village
Keywords: Strategy, Build, Village
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