Last modified: 2021-01-13
The Voting Organizers Group or abbreviated as KPPS is one of the election organizers at the lowest level who is the spearhead of the implementation of voting and vote-counting in the 2019 Election. Because the work results of KPPS are one of the indicators used as a reference in determining the quality of the 2019 Election and have the opportunity to be sued by society if the election administration does not fulfill the principles of independence, honesty, fairness, legal certainty, orderly, openness, proportionality, professionalism, accountability, effectiveness, and efficiency. And the performance of many KPPS has been under the spotlight of the public in the form of dissatisfaction with election participants about its performance, accusations of unprofessionalism, and the impartiality of the KPPS. Some of the problems that arose based on the results of the evaluation of voting and counting activities for the 2019 Election by the Probolinggo City KPU were errors in filling in the C1 form and its attachments, filling in voter data and voting rights users in the DPT, DPTb and DPK columns (difficulty distinguishing DPT, DPTb and DPK), errors in the summation of votes for men and women, there are still errors in the data on the acquisition of party votes and candidate votes on form C1 DPR. Provincial DPRD and Regency / Municipal DPRD, have difficulty distinguishing the legitimate votes of a party from the valid votes of a candidate, not submitting a copy of C1 to the Regency / City KPU for a scan then input into the SITUNG Application, many KPPS are still confused about determining valid and invalid ballots, party votes and candidate votes. For this reason, this study will try to identify the various problems faced by KPPS in the City of Probolinggo in order to find solutions and solutions so that election organizers with integrity and professionalism can be realized. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research, this research will analyze the performance of the KPPS as the election management body related to its duties, authorities, and obligations in organizing the 2019 Election. Some of the factors that affect the performance of KPPS related to the occurrence of the above problems in the implementation of the 2019 Election are a large amount of workload and responsibility for the tasks carried out by KPPS and the limited understanding of regulations so that many KPPS carry out their tasks beyond the predetermined time limit. There are still many KPPS who are confused about the procedures for implementing KPPS 'duties which have been regulated in existing regulations. From the administrative aspect of writing on forms C, C1, and attachments and C1 Plano, there are still many KPPS that still make mistakes. Recommendations taken are the priority to increase the budget for technical guidance and simulation activities that are sufficient for the target of all the Chairperson and Members of the KPPS, reviewing the schedule for the polling process and counting from 1 day to 2 days, review related to the use of too many formulas, maximizing technical assistance related to work procedures and management of KPPS human resources.