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Additional Income Based Employee Performances for Civil State Employees in The Regional Secretariat of Blitar City
Last modified: 2021-01-06
At this time the difficult problem faced by the government is the level of employee salaries that do not meet the minimum standard of living. Improving the payroll and employee benefits system aims to improve the performance of government officials. The Regional Government of Blitar City has implemented the legal mandate regarding the State Civil Apparatus, namely providing additional employee income to civil servants who work in the Regional Government of Blitar City.This study aims to describe and analyze the implementation process of giving additional employee income to civil servants in the Secretariat of Regional Blitar City, as well as the factors that become supporters and obstacles to the implementation of the Mayor’s Regulation Number 19 of 2019 concerning Additional Income Based Employee Performance in the Secretariat Environment of Blitar City. The method used is a qualitative descriptive research method which aims to provide an overview of the phenomena that occur in the implementation of the policy of providing additional employee income. This study uses the analysis of the George Edward III model. Data and information were collected through in-depth interviews with informants including implementer officer and support staffs who were involved in implementing the policy of providing additional employee income, observation, documentation, and literature study. In this study, data were analyzed through three stages. Those stages are data reduction, data presentation, and taking conclusions. Meanwhile, the data validity checking technique is done based on the observer's perseverance and data triangulation. The results showed that the process of providing additional employee income at the Regional Secretariat of Blitar City has been running quite well, although there are still several obstacles so that the implementation process of this policy is not fully optimal. Some of the obstacles faced are there are still employees with a low level of education where these employees cannot use the supporting application for providing performance-based Employee Income Supplement. Meanwhile, several things that support the implementation of this policy are good communication, adequate supporting facilities and infrastructure, and a clear bureaucratic structure and according to existing procedures so as to support the smooth implementation of government tasks at the Regional Secretariat of Blitar City. Keywords : Additional Employee Income, Policy Implementation, Performance
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